Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today

Thanks for the fan mail singer Co Co! HERE see what she wrote below. :)

Lucky us, today IS Tuesday.

1. POD1 Introduction CLICKC HERE
2. POD2 POP Alternativa CLICK HERE
3. ¿Sabías que...
4. ICE SMASHING Video Game (pointless, smashing you'll love it!)
Check out this Video and Ice Smashing Game below!

* ... aunque la fase final de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol se realiza cada cuatro años desde 1930, el proceso de clasificación dura más de dos años y medio?

* ... América lleva la delantera en cuanto a cantidad de Campeonatos Mundiales de Fútbol, con 9 conquistas, siendo Brasil su máximo ganador?

In questo giorno accadde ...
1809 - La Svezia promulga la costituzione del 1809.
1844 - La Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) viene fondata a Londra.
1949 - Viene pubblicato 1984, di George Orwell.
1974 - Viene promulgata una nuova costituzione, che rende la Svezia una monarchia parlamentare.
1946 – In New York wird die spätere National Basketball Association (NBA) gegründet.

"Hey Ryan,

LUV your website and all of it's BEAUTY ( WOW!)....

Check out my NEWS on http://cocooconnor.com/news/

I added your little note..;-) Hope that's OK

THX 4 the support and I look forward to hearing from U soon...

Keep educating others on our lovely, yet crying, little planet.


"Peace to you songbird." -Ryan The host of Xpat Podcast


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. That has got to be the best way to spend five minutes of my life.

6/06/2006 8:53 PM  

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