Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday Night Surfing Special. (Press Play!)

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, June 02, 2006

8:55ish means sometime today.

1. 8:55 posting policy
2. Personal insight
3. Expat Headlines (and shoreline notes... English & Espanol)
4. ¿Sabías que...
5. ?

1. It has come to my attention that posting at 8:55am every day is a job that conflicts with living life to its fullest, oh how did I error? In any case, I will still be posting every weekday and will try to hit the disclosed time amap (as much as possible.)

2. Wouldn't you know that the benefit dinner I went to last night tuned into a break dancing fiesta. I will post a video of the club I went to this weekend. It's Friday and there is much work to be done.

3. In other news... Eight expat oil workers kidnapped from Nigeria rig

This is alarming, but not surprising. I see this sort of behavior increasing drastically as the monetary rewards are quite alluring for the assailants. I suggest the oilmen view Waterworld and that movie with ray liotta about seclusion, power, and the future. These are not good movies, but there are lessons to be learned.

Web users to 'patrol' US border / EE.UU.: crean patrulleros virtuales


The idea of Big Brother was one of fiction, but when you see how omnipresent the use of media is on keeping people in check it is astounding. The native american nations have been reported to have thought that taking a photo of a person would capture their soul. It seems to me that video will actually be doing that to the ancestors of a native people.

4. ¿Sabías que...

... el Rey de España Don Juan Carlos I no es natural del país en el que reina ya que nació en Roma (Italia) el 5 de enero de 1938 porque su familia estaba en el exilio en ese momento?
... el doctor Robert Koch, famoso por haber descubierto el bacilo de la tuberculosis (1882), también descubrió el bacilo del cólera en 1883?

5. Kürzlich Verstorbene

Raymond Davis Jr. (91), US-amerikanischer Chemiker († 31. Mai)
Shōhei Imamura (79), japanischer Filmregisseur († 30. Mai)
Robert Sterling (88), US-amerikanischer Schauspieler († 30. Mai)
Weitere kürzlich Verstorbene

Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Podcast, World weather, World Cup Month.

1.Please wait for media to load or click...
2.a.NEWS (English) b.HISTORIA (Español) c. ? (READ BELOW!)

The world is getting ready for this year´s fights on the pitch and Brazil is looking to be the favorite. They dominated a game the other day and most of the tourney favorites performed quite well too.

The Main Man is the video is...
Perhaps the world´s most recognized name in football,...Ronaldinho,
aside from the name "Favre" of course, perhaps their popularity is due to their team colors.

Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, ou Ronaldinho Gaúcho como é conhecido no Brasil (na Europa é chamado simplesmente de Ronaldinho) (Porto Alegre, 21 de março de 1980), é um jogador de futebol brasileiro.

Hoy es Jueves 1 de junio de 2006
1 de junio
31 de mayo
28 de mayo
27 de mayo

लेख लिखना

स्वागत, नये आनेवालों - नीति - लेखाधिकार ( Copyright statement in English) - रेफ़रन्स डेस्क - ऑन-लाइन सहायता के लिये IRC चॅनल (#wikimedia-in ()Freenode नेटवर्क) पर संपर्क करें ।

हिन्दी में कैसे लिखें?

Monday, May 29, 2006

Let the games begin!

Thought of the day
Buenos Aires Zoo Video
In the news
Pac Man Mondays!

"I heard some US citizens are putting up a Berlin-like chickenwire fence in the name of the minute men, that´s right, these people are using a historical monkier in order to bring attention to themselves. What other historical names could we commodify in the spirit of dividing people across the globe?

Here is a sweet video about how separation can actually bring us together with fences.

NEWS you can use

* An earthquake on the island of Java, Indonesia kills at least 5,000 people.
* Myanmar extends the house arrest of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi for another year.
* The largest train station in Europe, the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, opens in the German capital.
* Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling are convicted for their roles in the collapse of Enron.
* Australian forces deploy to East Timor to quell the ongoing crisis.
* In India, students protest a proposal to increase educational quotas for members of the "backward" castes.

Wikinews – Recent deaths – More current events...
On this day...

May 29: Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day in Fiji, Memorial Day in the United States (2006).

Charles II of England

* 1453 - Constantinople fell to an Ottoman army led by Sultan Mehmed II, ending the Byzantine Empire.
* 1660 - English Restoration: The monarchy in England was restored under King Charles II (pictured) on Oak Apple Day.
* 1919 - Observations made by Arthur Eddington during a solar eclipse confirmed part of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.
* 1953 - Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
* 1999 - Olusegun Obasanjo took office as President of Nigeria, the first elected and civilian head of state in Nigeria after 16 years of military rule.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Video Preview: Fighting in BA

Talk show host fist fight in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Live TV)

Expat Podcast Number 20!

Expat Podcast Number 20... Just Click HERE