Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Suitcase on Wheels: Documentary rolling into town


I´ve offically ¨couch surfed¨, (see www.couchsurfing.com) last night a few good things happened. One thing was that I slept in a bed, which is a change (from a couch) and another piece of info is that I am going to interview / be interviewed (for) a couchsurfing documentary fella. I wonder if I can get my friend annabell to help out, she recently filmed a documentary short for Charly Garcia, or just ¨charley¨ as he is known abroad, a Latin Zappesque celebrity who once jumped out of a nine story building into a pool, becaase ¨he just felt like it.¨ That my friends, is a rock star.

Thanks for adding me to your sites. Suitcase on wheels.


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